I decide it’s best to stay away from her for the
rest of the evening, so that’s what I do. One more hour to go and I will have
successfully fulfilled Delton’s wish for me, so I don’t have to hear his mouth.
I don’t want to hear no more nagging about how I don’t get out and meet people.
It’s done. I can finally tell him to let me be. I’m on the home stretch.
I make myself a fruit bowl and carry it back
outside where I can breathe. Where I’m safely away from her. I stare
down the long row of stairs before deciding to sit halfway down. Only a few
people are mingling outside, so it’s much safer out here. I’m not expected to
talk to passersby. I just sit here, mind my business and eat fruit.
I pull out my stopwatch to check the time. Time is
moving slower than our president. It’s funny how it drags along at times you
want to speed it up. I just have to ride it out. I toss a grape into my mouth
and as I do, I smell the strawberry scent of the woman who had made me
malfunction. I figure it must be the strawberries in my fruit salad, but
shortly after, I feel her presence. I turn my head to glance behind me and sure
enough, she’s coming down the stairs.
At least I’m outside this time where there’s
plenty of oxygen.
“There you are,” she says, sitting on the step
right beside me.
I glance at her and quickly look away. I toss a
grape into my mouth and say, “Your words imply you were looking for me.”
“I was.”
“Just wanted to make sure you were okay. Plus, I
want to mix with you.”
“I’m fine and I told you I don’t mix well.”
“What exactly does that mean?” she asks, helping
herself to a strawberry from my bowl and biting it.
Order Tell Me: The Prelude now! This title will also be available on Kindle Unlimited.